Se llama Timothy Shack y es el CIO (Chief Information Officer) de PNC Financial Services (¡cómo no, un banco!) y gana 5.942.093 dólares al año.La noticia la he leído en el boletín de la AEC (Asociación española de empresas de consultoría).La reproduzco íntegra:$5,942,093: Highest CIO Salary in N. America
The number of CIOs who pocket more than $1,000,000 a year has also increased, according to a recent study
Imrana Khan
The mean total salaries for tech labor has increased by 1.13% in the last 12 months, says a 2007 Mid Year IT Compensation Study by Janco Associates. The mean compensation for CIOs in large organizations has increased by 4.62% from $169,601 (in June 2006) to $177,433 (in June 2007) while in mid-sized organizations the salaries have remained almost flat.
Moreover, the number of CIOs who pocket more than $1,000,000 a year has also increased, according to the study. Timothy Shack of PNC Financial Services takes home the highest at $5,942,093 per annum. See box below for the salary details of top 13 North American CIOs.
The study also lists the IT positions (such as VP-Information Services, Computer Operation-Shift Supervisor, Data Center facility Administrator, Database Specialists, etc.) that are in demand these days in large enterprises. These positions have significantly higher salaries on offer — that can inflate the level of wages of those who remain in the existing positions — due to their increasing demand in the market. Though for the positions that are decreasing in demand (such as VP-administration, Change Control Supervisor, and Director IT Planning), the salary increment will be based on "time-in-grade" or tenure within the organizations, the study says.
Source: Janco Associates
Name Company Salary ($ per year)
1. Timothy Shack, PNC Financial Services, 5,942,093
2. Gregor Bailar, Capital One Financial, 4,522,681
3. Steven Sadoff, Knight Capital Group, 1,993,434
4. Mahvash Yazdi, Edison International, 1,878,848
5. Kenneth Tye, Total Systems Services, 1,849,341
6. Byron C. Vielehr, Dun & Bradstreet Sears Holding, 1,633,033
7. Karen Austin, Sears Holding, 1,557,136
8. John J. Sullivan, Liz Claiborne, 1,499,176
9. Gregory Tranter, Hanover Insurance Group, 1,294,731
10. Richard Connell, Selective Insurance Group, 1,268,134
11. Larry Thomas, Landstar System, 1,251,925
12. Bruce Marcus, McGraw-Hill, 1,239,883
13. Bobby Spaid, Beckman Coulter, 1,100,079
Esta entrada está dedicada a Rafa, Director de Sistemas que acaba de volver de vacaciones y necesita que le animemos.