
Mis cinco de la semana - 200817

Lista en del.icio.us - 2008/17

  • Un taxista consultor
    Maria Jesus Salido, de Autoritas, nos explica en su blog proyectos, personas y pasiones, como todo taxista (bueno solo uno en realidad) lleva un consultor en su interior
  • Las 7 joyas
    Anualmente, Consulting Magazine hace una lista de 7 pequeñas consultoras que destacan por alguna razón. Esta es la del 2007. Frase que resalto: recognize [...] the impact that all small firms are having on the industry. They are helping shape and redefine the consulting marketplace. In many ways, the seven firms featured this year represent a snapshot of the new consulting landscape. Smaller firms are no longer flying under the radar. Rather, they are playing in the big leagues and challenging the legacy firms by going after their clients and their talent. And, in many cases, they are winning.

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